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Benefits of walking in nature

Have you noticed how good you feel after a walk... even if you had to drag yourself outside. That's because our brain releases three different hormones during activity. In this cocktail you'll find endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. Did you know that those feel-good-hormones are released after only 30 minutes. So you can create this happy feeling all by yourself just by taking a daily walk, how awesome is that? As a Life Coach I organize sessions in nature. During these moments we walk, talk and stand still. I might hear you say; "but why?". First of all it is less awkward to be surrounded by nature then sitting face to face towards someone you don't know. The soothing green also reduces stress what makes it easier to talk and open up. Because of the calmness you're more likely to experience a state of inner peace what can lead to creative epiphany's, ... and those are so important. I will recite some benefits that have been proven by science to be really good for your mind and body.

You might go and explore for yourself... or book an appointment with me and we'll check it out together. I would say: "let's take a walk together!"

1. You feel happier

2. It reduces stress

3. Walks will reduce your blood pressure

4. Improvement of short term- and working memory

5. You burn calories and lose weight

6. You can concentrate more

7. It strengthens your immune system

8. You become more creative

9. Increase of vitamin D

10. You experience a peace of mind

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