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𝑳𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 8 ♡

I love to introduce my dear friend Bhãvnãth from Music & Earth Pilgrimages.

We live too far from each other to go out and drink a Chaï latte.

Instead we love to spend time talking on the phone sharing our thoughts about life and discussing society. How we as humans act and behave, and how magical the universe actually is. I met so many 

people on my journey, but never someone like him. He is a beautiful rare soul with a very unique vision on the world.

It’s no coincidence that I asked him for an interview about love. 

You can also read the article on my site:

Make sure to check his site: for more inspirational feeds.

As always I started the interview with the short introduction why I started with the Looks of Love and how the idea was born, followed with my famous question; “what does love mean to you?”.

He became silent and answered rapidly and so sincere; “a few years ago I should have needed time to reflect on this question”. For me love is dissolving yourself with everything surrounding you. Being able to experience no sense of separation creates an ultimate feeling of freedom which is an essential element in love. When you emerge with everything you feel a deeper connection with so many things like food, music, nature, even the stars and the moon. What will make you more grounded and at ease. This form of connection and freedom will make it possible for you to trust the process of life. 🏻

Off course self love is a fundamental key is we speak about love. You need to experience it first. How can you explain to someone how sugar tastes if you never tried it? How can you write a poem or a song about love if you were never able to feel loved? How can you share love if you don’t have a clue what it means and if you’re not capable of giving it to yourself first? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Without this experience it will only hang on the surface giving you a hollow feeling of nothing more but lust and desire. There is no profound satisfaction in quick fixes how alluring they might be.

We seek for love in everything we do and the majority of the time we seek for is outside 

ourselves without even being connected. I think it is important to focus on being happy with yourself and being able to love yourself instead of using our energy on outer things. We can not change the people nor the situation. We can only start within ourselves. Our time on this planet is limited, so why would we spend it on looking for an external satisfaction? Humans need to transcendent from humanity,… and try to become humaniversal! 🏻

Makes you wonder if religion and love have similar features for humankind. For me religion has laid a foundation. It surely was necessary, but I think that we need something bigger than religion right now to help humanity. If you look at the pandemic… it doesn’t care about religion or race!

It is a worldwide problem affecting us all. We have to cope with it no matter where we are on this planet or despite our religion. Love is far beyond religion and a much better adviser if you ask me. Religion is just a part of a more spiritual expanding. Everything in this world grows, so we as humans have to evolve as well. Maybe that is something the pandemic is trying to teach us right now?

Love is good and bad in one. It will make you lie to someone you love, it will make you do and say hurtful things, you might even hurt yourself in the name of love. Love has a variety of faces. In a relationship we tend to think that loving our significant other makes them partly our possession, 

but is this really so? For me love isn’t the most important characteristic in a healthy relationship. 🖤

The quality isn’t measured by the amount of love that you invest in it, on the contrary. To give an example, intimacy is a much deeper connection than love. For me it goes beyond love. Love is so individual, … you can not twist the frequency and make it equal for everyone. The importance is to be aware of what love means for you and strive to find it first in yourself and than in the world.

Hope you loved the interview as much as I did.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. 🏻

©️ Subtle Balance

🏻 if you’re interested to be interviewed leave a comment or send a dm.

As always, lots of love


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